Mike Alexander, SMTC, Chair
Emily Dozier, DCTC, Co-Chair
Jack Mance, A/GFTC
Jennifer Yonkoski, BMTS
Leigh McCullen, BMTS
Brian Cohen, BMTS
Sandy Misiewicz, CRTC
Carrie Ward, CRTC
Ian Wickstead, DCTC
Mike Perry, ECTC
Hector Boggio, GBNRTC
Chris Tortora, GTC
Al Bartolotta, GTC
Amy Heiderich, HOCTC
Jeff Quackenbush, HOCTC
Zachary Zupan, HOCTC
Fernando deAragon, ITCTC
Jay Lambrix, ITCTC
Adam Levine, NYMTC
Sherry Southe, NYMTC
Alan Sorensen, OCTC
Stacy Butler, OCTC
John Morrow, OCTC
Mario Colone, SMTC
Brian Slack, UCTC
Barb Cadwell, WJCTC
Jackie Berlant, NYSDOT
Christina Gravelding, NYSDOT-2
Robert Limoges, NYSDOT
Andrew Sattinger, NYSDOT
Geoffrey Wood, NYSDOT
Robert Zitowsky, NYSDOT
Karen Lorf, NYSDOT
Daniel Wood, FHWA
Teresa Haslauer, FHWA
Nicole McGrath, FHWA
David Orr, CLRP
Jennifer Hogan, NYSDOH
Maureen Kozakiewicz, GTSC
Jason Maher, GTSC
Jiangni Brown, GTSC
Mary Montimurro, GTSC
Yinzhi Shen, ITSMR
Francisco Gomez, NHTSA
Shannon Hughes, NHTSA
Safety of all users of the transportation system - people who drive, walk, bicycle, and ride the bus; as well as freight carriers - is a core function of all transportation agencies. Safety is a broad-ranging discipline that includes the design and operations of transportation facilities, human behavior, and legal issues. It is often classified around the "4E's" of traffic safety: engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency response/EMS. The cooperatively-developed plans listed below are data-driven and identify priority strategies across the 4 E's to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. For more information on these plans, please visit the websites using the links below or see the NYSAMPO Safety Fact Sheet. Additional resources are available through the NYSAMPO Safety Education Toolkit.
MPO transportation planners have a significant role to plan in safety, from establishing safety objectives in the long range plan, to reviewing and analyzing data to identify safety issues, to programming funds to implement solutions. The Safety Working Group has adopted as its mission "to advance initiatives intended to preserve, maintain, and improve traffic safety for all users in New York State." The group includes representatives of New York State's MPOs, New York State DOT, New York State Police, local law enforcement, Governor's Traffic Safety Committee, the Federal Highway Administration, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
In 2018, NYSAMPO partnered with AAA, the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), the Governors Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), and the New York Bicycling Coalition (NYBC) to cobrand five bicycle safety education videos (Click here to access videos).
Safety Working Group Goals
Provide a forum for the exchange of safety planning information and ideas with New York State, federal, regional, local, and international safety partners.
Collaborate with NYSDOT and other safety partners on New York State and federal safety initiatives.
Provide training and technical support for MPO safety planning efforts.
Click the image above
to access the
Safety Education Toolkit
Click the image above to view the current Work Plan
2022 Meeting Minutes
2021 Meeting Minutes
2020 Meeting Minutes
2018 Meeting Minutes
2017 Meeting Minutes
2016 Meeting Minutes
2015 Meeting Minutes